Product Review: Infinitree 1. The Ultimate Medication for All

12:48 PTG


To have clear smooth skin are everyone’s  dream. For me, I have tried dozens of pills or supplement before, but none of them works for me.

But, recently, I have discovered Infinitree 1, all natural ingredient suppliment that helps to regain my skin youthfulness and repair all the acne scars that I have before.
For your information, I just consume about one capsule of Infinitree 1 each morning for a week. And the results are GREAT! The result showes that as early in 3 days, I can feel that my skin more smooth and all the complexion that I have before settle.  

Before I started to tell you my story, let me just show you by my previous pictures of my skin.

This was my face before, I have serious skin problem, acne and it keep on popping out each day. My skin is very oily, sensitive and filled with acne. I have tried so many skin care products but none of them gave me the result. I was really upset and every time I went out form the house I need to makeup, and used tonnes of concealer to conceal all the acne.

Besides the acne problem that I’ve suffered, I also have hand eczema.  For your information, eczema is a species of skin problem, which my skin dry and cause to it to chap and even swollen the effected area. I have been to 3 clinics to seek medication, but none of them works on the eczema. I was so stress with the results and even loss hope on healing my hand. 

What really embarrassed me is to shake hand with other people. My swollen fingers feels rough and the dry skin chapped.

Then, I received and invitation to become one of the testimonials on Infinitree 1. Before this, I've never heard of a brand called Infinitree 1. But luckily, Auntie Alia, the founder of Infinitree 1 asked me to try out Infinitree 1 as my daily supplement. Less in a week, the results that my skin showed are fantastic. I was so amazed with the drastic result when all my acne dried and all the little acne began to shrunk down. My ugly hand also started to getting better. The skin have reconstructed new skin cells and it slowly to smooth out the surface.  I am so happy to see the result in just 3 days.

What make Infinitree1 so special?

Infinitree 1 was formulated based on the Natural Remedies. The main core ingredient is Oak Gull Nuts or in Malay we called it as the  Buah Manjakani. As you'll know, Manjakani is widely used as the vaginal tightening, dryness, smelly and Loose vaginal for most women. Apart from that, Manjakani can also effective in maintaining the youthfulness of the skin, burn out all the cellulite (as manjakani is a very powerful heating agent in the body). 

Besides that, it also cure Melasma. This is a kind of skin diseases of the Face. It is the brown patchy skin on the forehead, cheeks, upperlips, bridge of nose and chin. Usually this skin problems occurs to the pregnant moms. 

A part from that, Manjakani is also an anti-aging agent. It slow down our aging process so that we can maintain youth. This has proven effective to the founder of Infinitree and also her loyal customer, Datin Raha former Miss Malaysia 1989. She never aged right!

Don't you see, their skin are tighten as they are in their twenties, I'm so jelly of them!Okey, Let me continue talking about the effectiveness of the Manjakani. It also helps us to stabil the imbalance hormone. Like my self, I have problems in imbalance hormones and due to that, my period never come. In a year, My menstrual can be counted by hands, Usually normal women have at least 12  time period, but me, I only have about 3-4 times period a year! That is mainly caused by the imbalance hormone. Doctors always assure me to eat hormone pills that is available in the market. As you'll know, many of the pills are dangerous and it have long term side effect to our body. It may cause you cancer if you consume it regularly. 
So, after ate this pills, my period came back for this month of March. although it is late a bit, but it came! Alhamdulillah. This shows that Manjakani really helps to balance the body hormones,plus it helps to fight Cancers.  

Ah! one more thing. This pills also helps me to defecates(poo) more regular. This high fiber content in Manjakani helps the feaces to move smoothly and it can helps me to avoid constipation. 

The nutrients inside Manjakani:

Allagic Acid
Vitamins A
Vitamins C

The effects after you consume Infinitree 1:

This is an experiment with three different women, with different ages: 30, 36 and 40 years old. Lets read their testimonials here: 
Day 1: A thoroughly cleansing bowel movement.
Day 2: An important energy gain and skin texture felt softer on all three women.
Day 3: Pimples were drying, red spots were diminishing, and the skin tone was visibly more even.
Day 4: The blemishes, pigmentation and freckles were visibly less prominent, vanishing by 60% and the skin was firmer.
Day 5: The three women had become a tone fairer, the skin looking clearer and healthier.
Pimples, freckles, blemishes and pigmentation vanished and their skin appeared “plumped” up.

Who are advice to consume this Infinitree 1?

Those who have  serious skin problem. Eg: Acne, Oily skin, Pimples, Blemish, Melasme 
Those with imbalance hormones 
Women with sagging skin (mengelember)
Women & men who are concern to become youth, No aging!
Those who wanted ENTRA energy for their daily life,ENERGY BOOSTER! 
Those who suffers constipation, Problem with Vagina, and cancer especially Breast Cancer 
WOMEN and MEN WITH low sex life mood. No energy at all!
Many more! Read the details here :

Where to buy it?

You can order directly from me, 
Just Whatsapp me at 010-9600726 email me at 

or, you can order at

RM185.00 for 60 Capsule for 2 months
RM 98.00 for 30 capsule for 1 months 

Great! Highly recommended!

The Very First All Natural, All Rounder Anti Aging Formula
Energizes, Beautifies, Heals & Protects
Skin, Bones and Over All General Health
Visible Results on the 5th day With Only 1 Capsule a Day !

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