Experiencing Victoria Jackson Makeup. The 'No Makeup' Makeup

11:38 PG

Assalamua’alikum ladies

Today I am back with another product review. Yesterday, as I walk in SACC Mall, I stopped by the Victoria Jackson counter. It was located on the ground floor beside the South elevator. They were offering to the  public on free makeup session by their makeup artist. So, why not right!

before makeup
I my intention to came there was to tried out their foundation. First is the compact foundation which have two colors. Dark and light color. From the explanation by the MUA, The darker color is for conceal any sorts of imperfection on the skin such as acne, scars of the face. After conceal, then she put some of this lighter color of foundation. This steps is to put up a full coverage foundation to the skin.

By applying these two foundation, the MUA used the stippling brush, which have the flat top surface. This brush is suitable for applying foundation because it gives us the overall surface and because of the extra fine ended, it can gives us the smooth surface with flawless effect.

While applying the foundation, Fathiaa (my MUA) explained to me about Victoria Jackson product. Who is she, what are the benefits of the products.
As you’ll know, Victoria Jackson is one of the top Makeup Artist in US. She has been doing makeup to many international artist includes J. Lo and Beyonce for about 30 years.
After years working in Makeup industries, she decided to make her own formulated makeup range. Therefore, all her makeup ingredients are naturally formulated, safe to use and give satisfaction to the user as it has the same quality with other international brands.

But what is so special about Victoria Jackson’s range, they used a tagline “ THE ‘NO MAKEUP’ MAKEUP”. Just like the Korean style. They love to create a natural look, with minimal makeup.
Nowadays, even in the wedding makeup, the brides requested on Natural Makeup look, so that it will not look too obvious that they are being makeup like a doll. 

Next, after applying the foundation, Fathiaa used a Compress powder to cover all the harsh lines and to smooth further my skin.
Next, she gave me to try out the Moose Foundation. This will gives me the glowing effect on the face. Fathiaa said that, even a whole day sweating but the makeup will stays and it can gives the glowing  effect to our face. Then the eyes, I requested to make an eyeshadow just like Fathiaa. One of the MUA came and explained to me how to create that kind of eye shadow (later on I will make a video tutorial on it). He just used a brown eyeshadow and blended it out from the eye lid to upper surface. Blend well and try to make a smokey effect. To complete the makeup session, she applied Pink blusher, and red lip color.

After he finish up the blending, he continue to fill my brows and he also taught me how to cover up the unwanted brow (on the upper side and bottom side of the brows). Just used the same light foundation, dapped it on the upper and the bottom brow. (later on I will make a tutorial on it)


Here's the finished look that they have created for me. I really enjoyed the makeup session with the MUAs. Besides that, I have purchased some of their products that were: The Beauty Diaries and the Stippling Brush for applying the foundation.

After purchasing the products, I was given a Victoria Jackson member card worth RM500, and I am entitle to make a makeup session with them for free. Now, I can just walkin to the kiosk and show them my VJ member card and make my makeup done by professionals. Great right~!!

So, wait for my reviews on these two products soon.
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8 Orang Positif

  1. this product ada kat mana ye.. last time beli masa roadshow jugak.. now tak tahu nak beli kat mana

    1. Hi there.
      Boleh beli di showroom VJ di Sunway Putra Mall & SACC mall.
      Numi beli di Sacc Mall haritu..

  2. this product ada kat mana ye.. last time beli masa roadshow jugak.. now tak tahu nak beli kat mana

    1. Sekarang boleh beli di Watsons atau Showroom mereka di Sunway Putra Mall / Sacc Mall

    2. Watson mana2 pun ada? Ke some places je?

  3. last time beli masa roadshow jugak, skrg nak beli kat mana ye, u know VJ shop?

  4. Hi pretty! I pernah beli vj products last year and received black member card. Last few weeks I pergi dekat sunway piramid, that mua for vj dekat watsons tu cakap the card is no longer valid and kena pergi boutique dekat sacc mall and apply new member card. Is it true? Kalau kena renew tu kena apa2 charge tak? I really need to know. Thanks for helping girl :)

    1. Hi Dear +Fatin Mazlan,
      VJ mmg macam tu. skrg ni siapa yg ada kad lama tu dah x valid. Kalau nak kad baru, kena beli lagi.. Sbb tuu i hangin sangat dgn VJ. dulu xda pun ckp mcm tu. kene renew bagai. tp skrg kene buat kad baru, kene beli lagi produk lagi..


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