Event Launching: MoU Signing Ceremony Between Brandt International Sdb Bhd and CELEMI

12:26 PTG

Yesterday , 19th March 2015, at Pullman Hotel Bangsar, I was invited to attend MoU Signing between Brandt International Sdn Bhd and Celemi. The collaboration between these two big company is to introduce a unique business simulation program to workers in which it can attract, built and retain right employees and customers to the company. 
 For your information, Brandt International is specialist in business consultant and they also provide business transformation management services. Brandt has been awarded of Top Employee Award 2014 and have 10 years of experience in enhancing the levels of customer through better quality, performance and their efficiency  by leveraging on people, process and technology. Brandt has 50 clients across Asia, Middle East and UK and it has designed, develop and implemented solutions over 30 clients in the region.  
Meanwhile, Celemi provides the experiential training solutions in the form of business simulations. They used the unique methodology " The Power of Learning" to the participant so that they can boost knowledge and soft skills. In this event, Celemi introduced Celimi Tango™ that is an experiential training program, a new version of it that allows the participants to develop and execute their strategy with immediate feedback in term of profits and relevant key point indicators. The target for this program is to drive internal employee potential and consequently improve business results. 

The MoU Singning Ceremony between Brandt International and Celemi was witness by Mr. CM Vignaesvaran Cheif Executive Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad. 

Signing Ceremony between Brandt Internationa and Celemi
Withness by the Mr. CM Vignaesvaran, Chief Executive- Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad
Munirah Looi, Brandt International, said, “We are delighted on this partnership with Celemi to drive more successful and effective business transformation, through employees and customer engagement. By exercising the modules introduced by Celemi to our local business landscape will definitely develop top quality business performance and consequently expand financial growth”
Barbro Andersson, Celemi International, said “Our objective is to maximize potential growth through practice learning as a substitute of teaching. Our non-conventional board-based training program will be able to deliver more effective result. Celemi has developed various business simulations to ensure a comprehensive progress across an organization.”
From the left is Barbro Andersson, CEO Celimiab International AB,  Mr. CM Vignaesvaran Cheif Executive Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad and Munirah Looi, President & CEO, Brandt International Sdn Bhd
After the MOU Signing Session, we continue with the Busniness Simulation (Part 1). This training session was handled by Barbro Andersson and it was call Apple and Orange. In this session, they focused in organizing company's money. How to manage company's money and to make the company's account sheet balanced. One tip that she gave us was, "Give invoice directly after delevering your product. Do not ever delay this as it can delay out the payment."
 I am an engineering student, and I have gained many knowledge during the simulation session. Barbro taught us how to manage company's money and to expend them without selling products. The method that she taught us by using this paper board, with coins and casing coins.
 One coins represent 1 million, and a full of casing coins is 20 million. She taught us how to separate the company's money to each sections in the board and place it accordingly to each sections. Here we know where all the money went to and how to get it back. 
The board contain all the section in the company
A physical training session is always a fun training. They make us to move around, think, touch and discuss to each other what are the important matters that we should do after this. That is what Celemi's Simulation makes the participant to stay positive throughout the entire seminar.
About Celemi: 
They help companies to implement changes, by using experiential learning and business simulation. This can help them to achieved their business objectives.
They are passionate to make changes to happen. Their learning solution engage people's hearts, minds, and hands so that you can and want to make difference in your company and leads to desired results for your organization. 
They many offices in Sweden, United States, Singapore and China as well as partners in more then seventy countrie worldwide.So there is no doubt about Celemi's successful programs.
with Ayue Idris, one of my blogger friends.
Munirah explained to the participants about the board.
With the Alpha Team Member. Our training Consultant Chow Yin Li
With CEO of Celemiab  International AB: Barbro Andersson
With our training Consultant Chow Yin Li

The Celemi Profit Simulator Apps Interface

After finish the first Apple and Orange Business Simulation, we had our lunch and then continue with Business Simulation Challenge (part 2) that involve Soft Skill development. Our training consultant said that in this session, we learn how to maintain  good relation between costumers, suppliers and employers. 

Then, Barbro explained to us about the Apps that Celemi's had created, that's called The Celemi Profit Simulator. This apps is very useful to calculate the profits, margins and after discount price and it makes direct calculation base on your price range. 

This apps include all the Celemi's Simulation program that they will teach to the participants, and the participant and implement the knowledge via this apps. 

After finished the program simulation, there will be an evaluation form. All participants will be evaluate based on their performance after attending the program from their employees. Therefore, each participant will be monitor and evaluate and their report will be send to Celemi for a report.

Now, to have a great business, we must ensure that employers  must hired the good and great employees. Good employees tend to have good certificates, but lack in soft skill and decision making.

 Therefor, in Celemi's and Brandt International program, they can help employers to have not just  good employees but GOOD and GREAT employees so that the business can generate more income and success to achieve the company's vision.

For more info visit :
Tel : +603 2247 1892
Fax: +603 2242 3986
Email : info@brandtinternational.com

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