Event: Bagz Bar At Alamanda Putrajaya by Female Magazine
9:43 PTG
Hello everybody, How was your weekends? I hope that
everybody was having a great weekend yah! Maybe some of you were just relaxing
at home just like my friends there at SA, hihihi. Or somebody weregoing on a
trip to oversea. Haha. Good job guys.
As for me, this weekend we went to Alamanda Putrajaya for
celebrating Bagz Bar new collection of bags and also to celebrate my birthday
with my two good friends: Kushaida and Eaja.
But first let me starts with the Fashion show. The event
stared at 3 pm, and I was a little kinda late that evening as we arrived at
Alamanda around 3.40pm. the fashion Show has already started, but still I can
still saw the models walked on the runaway with some handbegs with them. I am
not focusing on the fashion show that much, because there is Siti Saleha and
Aaron Aziz in the house youll..! hahahah.
How to focus right?
Siti Saleha was so cute in her blue dress and also her hair
style was cute too! Aaron went simple just in his shorts and blouse.
After the fashion show by Bagz Bar, there was also a lucky
draw session, but that day was’nt my day because among the luckiest person
there just won herself a RM1199 worth of handbeg. OMG, memang suka lah kan, tak
tidur malam kalo menang tu! Hihi, Congrats to the winner, a pretty lady with a
lucky number.
So, after that events, I just when outside to meet my old
friends, Kushaida and Eaja. They have waiting for me for ages I guess. hahah,
sorry girls. Just can’t bare the charm of Aaron Aziz okey. Terkaku sekejap bila
tengok dia live~!!!! Teheee
Around 4.30pm I asked my friends to eat first at the High
Tea Bagz Bar event, as they serve some delicouse food to their guests. I was
hungry that time and did’nt thinks anything else except FOOODDD. Huhuhuh.. They
serve fried prawn fillet, sandwiches, fried squied with chilli flavour, and
amazing chocholate cake. I took two pieces of that yummy chocholate cake. Hahah.
Kenyang perut I.
After a while, my husband came and we decided to watch
Annablle at GSC Alamanda. (Wait for my movie review for Annablle). Our movies stared at 5.45pm and we have at
least an hour to spend before the movie started. So we came to the FearFeast by
GCS and played a game that the Fearfeast offered us. Hahaha. Kush has the
shortest time recorded as she manages to get three items accurately. I think
Kush is one of the top scorers. Hehe. Congrates sayang...!
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Then, we watched Annablle and the best part is Kush already
seen this movie before but she was the one who scared gila-gila besides me lah.
Everyone knows that I am such a coward, and especially my sisters. That is why
she hates so much if we watch horror movie tighter, because I am the one who
scream so loud and make the movie scarier. Hahahaha..
Okey2, sudah2. But overall I really had a great time last
weekend and hope to spend more time with my lovely friends here in Alamanda..
okey ladies. we can have ourselves a ladies night out soon. Hihi.
And wait for my updates on my Giveaway by this Wednesday. I
will informed the winners soon.
Till then,
4 Orang Positif
agak2 kalau tengah malam tengok patung tu seram tak?? hehehe..
BalasPadamMemang seram, dgn gaun pnjg dia. Huhu
BalasPadameh looks like Annabelle hahaha seram Ni tengok gambar lama2 xD
BalasPadamJangan pandang annabelle lame2.. huhu i pun kdg2 jd takut bila tgk dia.