Day on the field 17/04/2012

8:34 PTG

Assalamualaikum semua readers numi. korang apa kabar rini? tak dengar pun kabar2. baca entry numi, tapi tak jawab pun salam, nanti dose tau. hehehe. (gurau jer)
Btw, nak story hari ni. apa dah jadi dengan numi, apa yang jadi di field. Field tu bukan nya numi maksudkan padang okey. its outside from the office. ok, dah faham kan, so  kalau nanti numi cerita lagi pasal field, jangan pening2 okeyh..
all right. hari ni hari pertama, so kiteorang gerak ke Spring jam 9 pagi. pagi tadi Numi sampai office cun2 jam 8.30 pagi. memang sudah lambat hooo.. patut jugak numi tak dengar cakap kak bella, sebab jalan yang dia recommend tu jalan untuk awal pagi punya. bukan nay untuk lepas jam 8 pagi. memang numi stuck dalam jam selama 10 minit. waaaaaaa rasa mau nangis saja maa..(T-T)

then , sesampai di office, orang sume dah briefing.what did i do is just simply jump to them. heheh.. lepas habis sume briefing tu kan,  baru kiteorang gerak ke spring. ramai jugak lah orang lalu lalang kat spring tu, yang lalu jalan di food bazaar there.awal pagi tu, numi tak banyak cakap, because not confident to talk to other people. but then, MJ keep on giving engourage, and Harry also help to guide in presentation. so, at last, i get 2 donors today. Alhamdulillah, thanks so Much to Allah, because giving me the chances to built a career.  i hope that tomorrow, i will talk more to people. making new friends, and built a relationship between others.
okey people. ? understand what is my entry all about now?

about Herbalife, my dad and my brother suppose to be back from KL today. but, i don't know what had happen, they are postponing their flight back to Kuching. i heard from my Mum said that so many people are signing up to become an Independent Distributer for Herbalife. wah! thats great news right. now, people are very concern about health and their weight management. great job day! hehhehe...

ok peeps, that all for today. i'm so tired right now, and need enough rest for tomorrow. and this Saturday im going to road trip to Miri. heheh, is that great. OMG, my first week turns to become so great. Alhamdulillah.
talk soon people.


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