Event: Blogger Bijak Wang with Dr. Niki Shuhada Shukor.

9:31 PG

Assalamua’laikum to all my readers.

Today I’m going to discuss or to share with you’ll a little bit a different from my previous writing. Because last Sunday Hai blogger had given a chance to meet up the most successful women in Malaysia that has the expertise in wealth management. Dr. Niki Shuhada Syukur.

The meeting or can I said like a gathering with bloggers at Dr. Niki residence that was located at Putra Mahkota, Bangi. The moment when you step into the residency you can know only a really really wealthy and filthy rich person can bought the house. Huhu, I hope one day my family can move to a big house just like Dr. Niki's house. hehehe (big dreams yah!)

Let me start this story or sharing about introduction of Dr. Niki Shuhada Shukor, PhD. She is a Shariah Registered Financial Planner , MFPC. A mentor in Entrepreneur and wealth.

As I was told, she was the leader for CIMB Wealth Advisor or we called them consultant. I asked them, what consultants do for the customers.For a wealth adviser, they are responsible to manage your money, teach you how to make money by saving and how to expand the money to become more.

Lets talk about saving, many of us, especially the Bumiputra have the difficulties to save their own money in trust fund.
Why? Because they are not educate or being expose about the trust fund. What it benefits them to the future and what it can give to you.

A trust funds is one of the way you invest money. For example ya, you need RM500 to open and account for trust fund. After you have the account, you will save your money inside it. It can be auto debit about RM200 per month or you can go there and put a lumpsum saving there, for example RM100,000.

This procedure can be done anywhere, not just focused on the counter desk, but outside too. The consultant can entertain you outside the office or the make and agreement in somewhere else. Then, after you had an agreement with your consultant, they will manage your money and it will be automatically being save in your trust fund account.

Every month, they will update to you what is your saving via email. And the best part is, the  dividen or bonus you get each are much higher compare to other types of investment. The interest rate are 10%-20%. Is that awesome!!! Much more higher than ASNB or Takaful or Tabung Haji saving.

Let say, you save up =200 /monthly x 12 months x 5 years =12,000 (saving)
After the annually interest rate is 20%. Roughly after you times 12,000 x 2=24,000
(this is not the actual calculation . This is just an example, so that you can easily understand)

That is so easy yah! You can double up your saving just through trust fund. After 5 years, you can take out the money and spend it wisely. Not to forget, save up too!! don’t just Joli-joli all the money that you have save up!

So, are you interested in investing your money? Because for me, I am really eager to finish up my school and invest/ save my money to the trust funds for 10 years and to become a millionaire before 35 years old.

If you are interested to become one of the millionaires just by saving up, this is you time.
You can go directly to their office at Wangsa Maju :  32-3, 4th Floor, Jalan Wangsa Delima 6, Kuala Lumpur Satelite Centre (KLSC) 53300, Kuala Lumpur.

Or you can called the office: +(6) 03 41422911
Website : www.drniki.com
Instagram: @Drnikishuhada

I am so fortunate to come here yesterday and  to hear by Dr Niki about this great opportunity to be success in life. We really enjoyed the sharing, not just Dr. Niki, but some other associates that have really make money from this kind of job. 

Here are some of the pictures that I've taken, Enjoy.. 

After a little talk about Dr. Niki experience, how she ended up to become a wealth adviser, we head to the dining area. The best part is, for the past few days I was really craving for Chicken Briyani, and luckily during the lucnh time, they serve us Briyani ayam. yeayyy! I am such a happy girl that time. hahaha

After the sharing moment by Dr. Niki, she gave us a goodie bag, that contain for items that can really make your day a better person.
A drinking bottle( for health)
A picture frame (for happiness)
A motivational book (for success)
A t-shirt (for wealth)
 Thank you so much Pn. Leny and Hai Blogger for this invitation for a motivational talk. I am really greatful for you guys.
SO, here is my selfie yah. Please bare with my naked face. hahaha
 with the young consultant, Haniki.
at the 2nd living room
The dream car!

One quote that she said: 
“Failure is not a disaster, but it has a lesson to learn.”
Keep up the positive energy inside you body, heart and mind. Be a good planner in your life, manage things, organize your schedule and be one of the person that can gives benefits to others. 

Remeber, to success you must have a dream. Dream to have something that you think you cannot achieved, but after a you put an effort to that, InSyaAllah, God will ease all the way up.

Till then readers, spend wisely and make money in a smart way.

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